Tuesday, November 25, 2014


'So that's how you ended up with him, all arranged. Dull. Shame.' Jassi rolled up her eyes.
Mahima looked at her for few seconds and said, 'Just finish your coke and finish this stupid shopping fast. And mind you! I really like him, Sanjay is a good person.'
'Yeah, even the beggar over there looks like a good person.'
'Shut up'
'Okay! Okay! but then you shall not blame me in the future.' Jassi said in a cool tone, widening her eyes.
'Blame you for what?' Mahima was puzzled.
'For not warning you.' Jassi chuckled.
'Warning about what?' Mahima was surprised now.
'About this wrong guy.'
'Okay, got it, no thanks, will never blame you.' Mahima now passed the stack of shrugs under the 'New arrival' section. 'Do you want these or just the heavy ones for the occasion?'

Friday, November 14, 2014


In the place dark and lonely enough.
(Close your eyes, as this will be tough)
The place where none can come,
you find it being invaded by some.
The one who causes you the terrible pain,
and binds you with the invisible chain

Saturday, July 26, 2014


(Based on Mahabharat and a local folk tale)

The scent of sandal and incense were overwhelming. Every inch of the walls, all the doors, windows and ceiling were covered with the jasmine and mango leaves festoons. Rishis and Maharishis had been reciting chants for days now. The whole palace felt so pious. Each time they poured the ghee in the yagna fire, the warmth of the flames filled the heart of all the people present there. The whole kingdom was feeling rejuvenated because of this Rajsuya yagna.